Post by Guardian Cat of Yappa's on Nov 29, 2014 23:39:10 GMT -6
Title says it all Tank Combat wooooo
1.) Not everyone would be in the same tank, It'd take like 5 posts to fire one tank. So Each person would make a Tank Commander, 2.) To make it simple, German vs American Tanks x3 (Maybe Russian V.S. Germany not sure yet)
3.) Because I don't just wanna do a generic Sherman V.S. Tiger or Panzer battle (Which nine out of ten times the tiger wins (Yea German Engineering)) I was hoping we could do something like
Jacksons Vs Panthers
M24 Chaffees Vs Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H
Wolverines Vs Stug III Aust. G
Whatchu guys think x3
Post by LaxKnight on Nov 30, 2014 14:17:11 GMT -6
Though this sounds fun, I know nothing of tanks.
Post by Guardian Cat of Yappa's on Nov 30, 2014 15:15:20 GMT -6
Totally freaking down with this. Though the tanks I would be happy with involve Russians and British >.> <.< If not then a German tank T-34-85 Churchill VII Pz.Kpfw. V Panther. I was hoping to try and keep it somewhat (just for easier explanation x3) historically accurate, mainly so the intro post is a bit easier to write x3 Though this sounds fun, I know nothing of tanks. You don't have to know much about tanks Lax, basically all u have to know is that u tell the other people what to shoot at, when to shoot, and where to go.
Post by LaxKnight on Nov 30, 2014 15:30:22 GMT -6
Sweet. Looks like I need to do some research.
Post by Guardian Cat of Yappa's on Nov 30, 2014 17:18:34 GMT -6
>.< i so wrote that wrong, I mean like the warring factions so basically Early 1943 before Hitler attacked Russia like an idiot (So basically USA/British Vs German/Russian Tanks) I so didn't make that clear in my first message *facedesk*
Post by LaxKnight on Nov 30, 2014 17:35:38 GMT -6
Germans and Russians fought together in WW2? I knew that had a treaty so they didn't attack each other (until Hitler broke it) but fight together?
Post by Guardian Cat of Yappa's on Nov 30, 2014 18:50:12 GMT -6
Yus they did, in the beginning Europe was gonna be spilt down the middle, one half belonging to germany the other russia, the line ran through poland I believe, but in 1943 Hitler like an Idiot sent troops into russia in the dead of winter to invade them.
Post by Guardian Cat of Yappa's on Nov 30, 2014 19:46:20 GMT -6
>.> U know I should honestly avoid posting information when im occupied with other things and not double checking what im writing (Mainly my dad being an annoying a**)
Also Tracker that link doesn't work.
Post by LaxKnight on Dec 1, 2014 21:18:04 GMT -6
Going between the KV/1 M1942 or the T-34-76E. Don't know yet.